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Rooted Within
The chapters
Build confidence and trust so you are deeply connected to who you are, can easily show yourself to the world and go for what you have been dreaming of!
The most comprehensive way of becoming Rooted Within is
following the full journey with ALL the chapters
Every chapter is super beautiful, unique and transformative!!
❤️That's why it's also possible now to buy the chapters separately.❤️

Overview Rooted Within Chapters
*You are free to choose which chapter you want to do. Just keep in mind that the Rooted Within course was originally designed as a full experience encompassing all the chapters. This means that when you buy a chapter separately, you are purchasing a part of the Rooted Within journey. In the videos, I may refer to previous or subsequent chapters.

Chapter 1 : Akwaaba - The power of Intention
This chapter is the introduction to this journey of Rooted Within. Whatever chapter you choose to do, it is recommended to do this chapter first. And also the other way round, if you buy this chapter, it is recommended to do at least one follow up chapter.
In this chapter you'll:
learn how this online environment works
reflect on where you are now & where you want to go.
learn how to work with intention (a skill you can apply in other aspects of your life, too)
experience a meditation to crystalize your intention
€ 39

Chapter 3: Who am I?
This might be the most important chapter of the whole journey! If you know who you are and what you stand for, everything becomes easier.
In this chapter you'll:
exercise appreciating yourself
learn how to stay true to yourself
learn what's important to you
be guided in creating your own foundation that can serve as an inner compass. It will help you in moving forward and making decisions.
learn how to recognize your boundaries
learn how to set boundaries
be able to create your own personal manifesto (bonus)
€ 49

Chapter 5: Inner Conflict
Often when we want something or have a dream, but are holding back, it means there is an inner conflict happening.
On one hand, you really want it & on the other hand you prefer to stay where you are. Because of this, you are not moving forward. This chapter is the perfect follow-up of the 'Transforming Fear' chapter. However, it can be bought on its own, too.
In this chapter you'll:
explore this inner conflict that lives within you
be guided in a meditative healing journey
remove the inner conflict and bring inner harmony .
feel more free of your blockages so you can go for what you want.
€ 49

Chapter 7: Not feeling good enough
When you don't feel good enough, you make yourself smaller than you are and hold yourself back the whole time. That's what we talk about in this chapter as it is imperative to change this!
In this chapter you will:
learn how unworthiness shows/manifests
learn what the root is of not feeling good enough
learn how you can feel more worthy
experience a powerful inner child healing journey.
get the opportunity to heal from unworthiness & boost your self worth
€ 49

Chapter 9: Criticism & Speaking your Truth
We are often worrying about what other people would think, we fear criticism. In this chapter we work around this topic. Are you ready to finally get rid of those fears & to just do your thing?
In this chapter you'll:
receive story medicine to create an understanding about criticism & how everyone perceives the world differently
learn how to deal with criticism
learn how to energetically call back your own energy (when you receive criticism you are often immersed in other people's energy fields)
learn when & why we feel criticized
learn what you can do if you keep on doubting
experience a throat chakra healing meditation. A blocked throat chakra prevents us from speaking our truth freely. This meditation removes blockages and opens, balances and heals the throat chakra.
€ 49

Chapter 11: Where am I going?
You can learn all the tools but if you don't know how to proceed with them, it won't have a real influence. We want lasting effects ;-)
This chapter is the last Chapter of the Rooted Within journey and especially interesting if you've done at least one other chapter. Or if you are interested in how to set goals!
In this chapter you will:
reflect about what you've learned and what you want to take with you moving forward
learn how to make decisions
gain clarity in how to proceed
create goals & action steps for the coming period
receive a guided visualization to embed your goals for the future
have access to the Full 43minutes Masterclass about how to set goals (bonus)
€ 49

Chapter 2: Where am I from?
We are often influenced by those who came before us. It's healing to understand certain patterns .
In this chapter you'll:
learn about the influence of ancestral & intergenerational energies
train your intuition
learn about your family dynamics & from your ancestors
reflect about events that occurred in your life and how they influenced you.
release family/ancestral energies you no longer want to carry through a guided energetic meditation
€ 49

Chapter 4: Transforming Fear
Fear is the number one thing that holds us back from saying what we want to say or doing what we want to do ! It can literally block us from the life, job or relationships we actually want. It's not always easy to transform these fears, so that's why this chapter is here for you !
In this chapter you will:
learn what fear is
learn how fear manifests
learn how to recognize fear within yourself
learn how to transform fear
practice very powerful tools that incorporate, body, mind, soul & energetics! As fear plays on all those levels.
€ 49

Chapter 6: Power of the Mind
Our mind and our perception are the most powerful tools we have to create our reality! Once you embody this knowledge, you master an important key to life.
In this chapter you'll:
get insights about what is influencing your mind
understand how our mind functions energetically
learn about the power of words and its vibrations
learn how to master your thoughts
learn how to take responsibility in situations where you feel/felt like a victim
investigate your own thoughts (negative self talk, fearful thoughts, etc)
learn how to change your thoughts & how to become a master of your mind !
learn how to focus on what you can control (bonus)
learn how not to give your power away (bonus)
€ 49

Chapter 8: Confidence
If you go through all the chapters of Rooted Within, you will become more confident! That's what this whole course is about. So, if that's the main thing you want to grow in, it is recommended to also do other chapters (especially chapter 3,4,6,7). This chapter focuses on some specific things, some tips & tricks you can do to feel more confident.
In this chapter you will:
reflect about where your insecurity is coming from
receive tips & tricks to be more confident
be guided to take action in an area you are not confident about
be guided in an energetic Solar Plexus Healing exercise as this is is the location in your body that has to do with self esteem & confidence
€ 49

Chapter 10: Opening of the Heart
You can do all the exercises, know everything rationally, go through all the healing, but if your heart is closed of, you won't get where you want to be.
Fear is the opposite of Love.
When your heart is open, you are embodying Love.
In this chapter you will:
receive teachings about our Heart as a powerful energetic center
learn one of the most powerful healing practices to open your heart & clear stuck emotions and energies
experience an activation of the Heart - a relaxing meditative journey where your heart heals/opens
reflect deeply to help you align with yourself and to discover what makes your heart sing (bonus)
€ 49
You'll have unlimited access to your chapter in the online learning platform.

Every chapter includes experiences you can do atyour own time & pace:
Pre recorded video teachings divided into smaller segments for a more enjoyable viewing experience (total video content +- 10 hours)
Healing meditations, energetic exercises & visualizations
Journal questions & exercises to dive deep
Still having questions?
Read more about the Rooted Within course here.
You'll also find Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom.