Hmm, what a statement for an aura reader, isn’t it? Yeah, you are right; it may be weird to hear from someone who reads auras that knowing the color of your aura won’t help you. Well, it was about time I wrote something about it because I know that so many people wonder: “What is the color of my aura?” or “How can I find out my aura color?” or “What does the color of my aura mean?”

I also get these types of questions after I have done an aura reading. Because yes, in the aura readings, I do; you also hear what colors are in your aura!
Some people wonder what these colors that I saw in their aura mean.
But the colors I mention are not necessarily the colors of your aura; they are the colors of the images and messages I see in your aura at that moment.
You see, our aura consists of a lot of information. In a way, it is our blueprint, it is who we are. Everything we have experienced that was important to us or left an imprint can be seen in it. It also shows the current dynamics, themes, and patterns in our lives or our general mood.
The colors of your aura change the whole time, depending on where you are in your life or what you are experiencing.
Some aura colors come up for you often, and they can be seen in your aura. Some aura readers use these colors to tell you more about your personality, but I don’t like to work in that way. It’s a very rigid system.
We are human beings who learn, grow, and change, which can affect the colors of our aura, or at least, that is how I experience it.
Also, we can see only a certain number of colors in this realm; meanwhile, there are a limitless number of images and messages that can be seen in auras.
So, why will knowing the color of your aura not help you?
Your aura changes and the colors you see today are not necessarily the colors you will see tomorrow or next year. It’s a temporary state! So, if your colors can change, is getting to know the colors of your aura reading accurate?
The way how people interpret the colors of your aura can be rigid and there also can be different opinions. For example: “Green means an open heart" but then someone else will say "Green means you are in a transformation period" or "Red means you are passionate about something" but then someone else will say "Red means you are going through difficulties". Then conclusions are being made. First, it categorizes you, and second, how does that help you further in your life? And third, people interpret colors in different ways, so then what is the true meaning of it?

Why do so many people want to know the colors in their aura?
Well, I’ve been wondering that, too! You can indeed see colors in someone's energy field, so of course, it’s exciting to dive deeper into it.
I also know it’s possible with some photo technologies to see the colors in one's aura. I can imagine that this is an exceptional experience for many people! But my question here was, does it really help you?
In a way, colors can help an aura reader access messages or images. They can give them an indication of what’s in a person's energy field. In that sense, yes, of course the colors of an aura help! But do they help the person who receives the aura reading? In my opinion, it helps you way more when an aura reader shares insights about you, your life, your talents or pitfalls, your purpose, patterns, dynamics, or things going on for you! There is so much more information that can be shared.
Aura readings can be much richer with extensive images and messages than with only colors and a little bit of information that fills one A4 document.
When I do an aura reading, I talk for an hour about a person! I can’t count how many pages that would be ;-) The images and messages that come through are accurate, can give confirmations, or can help people grow in certain situations or areas they are dealing with in their lives at that point.

The aura readings I do are like blueprints, so yes, you get information about who you are in a way, but they’re so much more than just that. They give you insights and tools for what is happening in your life currently!
This means that if I do an aura reading for you today, you will hear things about who you are, but you may also hear things about dynamics that are currently going on in your life! This means that if you do an aura reading with me next month, it may bring up totally different messages and images that are important for you at that point in time.
Do you see what I mean by an aura reading being pretty flexible, dynamic, and moving?
Just colors can’t give you all of this information!
That’s why I believe just the colors of your aura won’t help you ;-) If you are interested to read more about what an aura reading actually is, you can read more in my other article: What is an aura reading?
And if you are interested in receiving an aura reading yourself, you can click the button below to read more about the aura readings I offer:
x Ama