In 2025, I'm taking a sabbatical! Subscribe to my letters to be the first to know when I return.

The dreamers who do.
Do you want to fulfill your dreams or bring your idea into reality? But you don't know where to start or how to go about it? Are you searching for a dream coach?

The Dreamers who Do is a type of dream coaching.
It is intuitive coaching and mentorship for those with an idea, dream, project, solution, or known talent that wants to be born in this world, for others to see and experience.
Have you been given a seed that wants to grow? Or have you already started nourishing your seed but things aren't working out for you the way you want them to?
I am here for all the Dreamers Who Want to Do!
Is that you?
I'm currently on a sabbatical, if you want to know when I restart The Dreamers Who Do Coaching, subscribe to my letters and you'll be the first to know!
You have an idea or dream, but you don't know where to start or things are not flowing how you want it.
Your idea or dream keeps on coming back in your mind but you don't know how to make it happen
Everything stays chaotic in your mind and you would love to bring clarity
You don't know where to start or how to bring structure and organization in it all
You don't have a plan or goals & would love to take your dream or idea more seriously
Your dream or idea feels too big and you don't know how to make it less overwhelming
You don't know if your dream is realistic
You would love feedback about your dream or idea and the things you may already have (your plan, website)
You have started with your dream but you feel you are hitting walls
You feel having a mentor will help you in making your dream come true

Hi there ! I am Ama!
For 10 years I've been coaching overwhelmed human beings, searching teenagers, intuitive souls, teachers, principals, and mothers.
When I started my business in 2020 I worked with people who wanted to work on themselves, change their lives, work through the blocks and fears, heal, grow their intuition or explore their spiritual practice more.
I always followed my intuition and my dreams, the whispers I heard about what I needed to do in the world. I always acted upon them, even though I felt some fears or didn't know how to go about it! And that is what has brought me where I am now.
I guide people to also follow their whispers and their dreams. It is extremely beautiful to witness the growth, change, relief and sometimes the tears. I can see how people feel held and acknowledged & feel motivated and excited to go for it!
This is why I love my work and especially dream coaching! We need everyone on board to bring beautiful change in this world! It would be an honor to guide you during a part of your journey!

Everyone has something unique within them & I believe when you are receiving a seed it is possible to grow it !
You just need to know how to take care of it and nurture it so it can grow.
This seed (your idea, project, dream, business possibility, talent, solution) needs its own nourishment, its own way of dealing with it. Every person who receives their seed, is also different. There is no one size fits all and that is why these coaching & mentorship sessions aren't standard.
I always look at the person and the situation and at what is going on, from there we look at what is needed for you to bring your dream or idea to life!
My coaching is very practical but I also have the ability to tune in spiritually, to see what's needed or what is going on. I have a lot of different tools to bring you to the other side ;-)
"Working with Ama has given me direction and understanding that I could never have achieved alone.
Her sessions have provided invaluable insights into my thoughts and feelings. Her messages are unbelievably accurate and insightful.
She has helped me tap into my spirituality, clarify my career goals, and understand my life's purpose. Ama is truly gifted, and her sessions have been life-changing. I can't speak highly enough of her - if you're considering booking sessions with Ama, do it! You won't regret it."
Cherie W. ~ Career & Life Coach, USA

What happens in The Dreamers Who Do sessions? How does dream coaching with me work?
Exploration & giving space
The very first moment that we meet will be through a free call. In this call I listen to your idea, dream and where you are at. I listen to your needs & we can explore the possibilities for a trajectory. This call in itself can already be very clarifying and healing as it is beautiful to give space to an idea or dream.
In this call we see if we are a match for each other & if the Dreamers Who Do is the right fit for you and your dream.
Making it realistic
We explore the things that are blocking you and work around them. We bring clarity, create structure and organize everything around your dream. Who, what, when, where, how? We explore which strategy works for you.
If it aligns with you we make a plan & set goals! Where to start? What's realistic at this point? What are your first action steps?
The Spirit of your Dream, Idea, Project,...
Once we decided to go on a journey together, we dive into the Spirit of your idea, dream or project. We often skip this step, yet there is very valuable information and important insights to take with us.
When you honor the Spirit of your idea/dream and work with it, it can change everything!
This is very much tied to your WHY. Why are you doing this? Why do you want to go for your dream?
Revision & Follow up
We evaluate how is it going. Is there adjustment needed? Do we need to take another direction?
Sometimes we can rationally make decisions and go for it, but there are many things we can't control and just need to try out.
You reach your dreams by trial and error and courageously evaluating.
How does it work?
We start with a free call ! In a way I consider this first call already as a first session. But of course we are both free to see if working together is completely aligned.
Once we decided to go on a trajectory together, what will happen during the sessions depends a lot of your needs and the needs of your dream. Every trajectory is unique!
I work with a commitment of minimum 1 month.
To really bring your dream into this world, more months may be needed, but again, this is very specific and depend on your situation. Payment goes per month.
What's included in The Dreamers Who Do?
During one month you receive my practical & intuitive coaching and mentorship through:
* 2 video calls
* Unlimited message & voice message coaching during weekdays
* If relevant:
- Receiving of exercises & assignments
- Feedback on assignments, plan, goals, strategy, website, etc.
Your investment: 444 euro / month
Are you ready to take your idea, project or dream serious?
Ready to go for it & fly? Click below for our first free call!

"I am extremely happy and grateful that I am following a trajectory with Ama. It's the ideal way to go deeper into certain themes in my life. It's also a good way to check in with myself on a regular basis with guidance and the ideal way to feel that I don't have to solve everything alone. Even though all the answers are within me.
Ama regularly reminds me why I started this process and brings focus. With a variety of exercises and working methods I get clarity. By embarking on a process of several months, there is really a bond of trust that makes depth possible.
For me it feels like a gift to myself that I am doing this trajectory and I am incredibly happy that I chose Ama for that.'"​
LM, Belgium
Is The Dreamers Who Do for me?If you have an idea, dream, project, solution, known talent that you want to bring in the world and you don't know where to start and you feel you need a mentor... If you feel in your bones it is time to ACT upon your idea, you want to go forward... If you have already started bringing your dream into the world but it's not going as planned and you don't know why... YES, YES, YES, then The Dreamers Who Do is for you!
The Dreamers Who Do is not for you if:you don't have an idea, dream or project, known talent, solution that you want to bring in the world the reason you are not going for your idea, dream, project is because you deal with fears and insecurities... >> then Rooted Within, my other offering, is perfect for you! Ideally you have gone through Rooted Within or you know how to transform your fears & insecurities BEFORE you embark on The Dreamers Who Do journey! Of course, I acknowledge that with growth, new fears and insecurities arise, that's perfectly normal! ;-) you expect all your blocks and problems to be solved you are not open (meaning: you are already convinced your way is the way - so you are not open to making adjustments or changes in your way of thinking or doing things) can't take responsibility for your own process, experiences or everything that has to be done to reach your dream
Why should I do The Dreamers Who Do?Well, you can continue your life how it is going now. There is nothing wrong with that. However, there is this voice that always comes back that says you need to do something with your talent, skill, idea, project or dream! You can keep on ignoring it, or you can also decide to be brave and to go for it. There is a reason why you feel you need to do something with your idea. There is a reason why your heart, your intuition or your ancestors are talking to you in that way. It wouldn't be in your head if you weren't supposed to do something with it. In a way, you have a responsibility to do something with it, to bring it into the world so others will benefit from it in their way. That's what we all have to do. I really mean it when I say we need EVERYONE on board ;-) Choosing for The Dreamers Who Do is taking action to make your dream come true! It's showing that you really want to go for it. Even though you don't know how you will do it yet, the first step is taken! ​ The Dreamers Who Do trajectory is powerful & people can walk away changed even after one session. However, if you are dealing with deeply rooted emotions or blocks, Rooted Within may be a better option for you!
Do I need to do the trajectory with (voice) message coaching?No, you can also just do the 2 video calls for 333euros. However, I highly recommend doing The Dreamers Who Do with coaching included, as I can guide you more while you are taking action steps or trying new things out. It's also easier for me to sometimes tune in spiritually.
Can I do The Dreamers Who Do with the voice message coaching only?This is not possible for the first month you work with me. It's discussable for follow up months, if we both agree message coaching alone can work, too!
There are so many mentors & coaches, why should I work with you?No ones says you should work with me ;-) Indeed, there are so many wonderful coaches & mentors! You should only work with me if that feels aligned for YOU, if you feel a YES, if you feel in your heart that I am your mentor. What I can say is that a lot of mentors & coaches work with the mindset; they work strategically and practically, just as I do. But they don't work with energy neither do they tune in spiritually, which often is a missing piece to birth your dream or idea effectively into the world. The combination of working with spirit and the energetics around an idea, project or dream + the practicalities , is what makes it unique in working with me. I'm also pretty good in cutting the crap and bringing you to the essence !
I'm super interested but I can't pay the price.I understand it may be difficult for you to pay the asked price in this moment. Especially within these times, it can be challenging financially. It can be so frustrating to want something and to move forward, but to not have the funds! I've been there, too. Things started shifting for me, when I dared to invest in myself & my dream ;-) I realized I was telling myself I didn't have the money but if I was honest, I knew how to find a way financially! It just felt too much of a jump and to me, it was a way to sabotage myself. Know that the investment you do helps you to get clarity, to create priorities and to take action! Therefore, one of the effects of The Dreamers Who Do is that you make different decisions, which can generate new energy, motivation and eventually abundance and the realization of your dream! Specifically there are two possibilities: - You can save some money every month until you can do the investment - You can reach out to me for a payment plan agreement, so you can pay the full price within 3 months. In this way, you'll have more time and you'll be able to pay in smaller amounts. If you are still worrying about the money, please reach out to me. We can find a way together! 😘
I want to click on a free call, but something is holding me back!Oh yes, I understand! It can be scary to really go for it, even if it is a free call, isn't it? Know that I create very safe & friendly environments. I find it important that it feels like home and that there is enough space for you to share your story and to be yourself. If you keep on doubting or are scared to go for a free call, then maybe you can send me a message first? Or you can send me an email: ! I respond as soon as possible!
I don't have a dream, idea, project or solution but I am interested in your coaching & mentorship!I totally understand😉 I mainly focus on this group but feel free to share what you want/need coaching or mentorship in and we may be able to create another trajectory. You can send me a message or an email: I read all my emails and respond as soon as possible! Looking forward to hear from you!
Do I need to attend all the gatherings live?You need to be able to attend the first gathering on the 19th of March. It is highly encouraged to also attend the two other gatherings live. If you commit to joining 'We Can Rise', I appreciate the commitment to come live to the gatherings. We create a safe container and energetic grid as a group, which means it is good if we can all be present every time. The teachings and experiences are also different together in group compared to experiencing it via recording afterwards. Nonetheless, I understand if you want to join 'We Can Rise' but you can't make it every gathering (but again, the 19th of March is important to be there). Please reach out to me about this, if this is the case.
Do I need to be in the Telegram Group?You don't need to be in the Telegram group. This group will be created as a support for you. The Telegram Group will be created so we can share about our experience together in the live calls or if you want to share some fear/unworthiness experiences or breakthroughs during those weeks. The Telegram Group will be actively facilitated by my until the 3rd of February. It is also an ideal way to ask more questions.
What am I gaining from 'We Can Rise'? What will it change?Your intention during the gatherings and your commitment to continue the work after the gatherings, will determine a lot of what will be gained. 'We Can Rise' will give you insights and tools how you can tackle and change fears you live with. It will make you understand the root of unworthiness & teach you how you can heal that unworthiness within you. Fear and unworthiness are the two biggest blocks for you to thrive, live the life you want, share your gifts with the world, express yourself freely, make decisions, go for your dreams ! There is nothing so valuable as working around these two emotions, because overcoming them, can change your life. We will work in a holistic way, not only on the mental and emotional level but also on the energetic and spiritual level. Not only on the conscious level, but also on the subconscious level. ​
Will I be safe during the 'We Can Rise' gatherings?Of course ! You will be in the safe space of your home (it's important you are somewhere where you can be alone and lie down at a certain point). Simultaneously, I will be the one holding a safe and loving container for you to go through your processes. In the healing journeys, you will only go so far and so deep as your spirit allows you to go. For some people it can feel unsafe to experience deep emotions or to feel into their fear. I totally understand this. The only thing I can tell you is that going through what you feel, with my guidance, will eventually make you feel safer and have an effect on other situations in your life, too.
I want to attend but I don't have the money to pay the asked price.I understand it may be difficult for you to pay the asked price in this moment. Especially within these times, it can be challenging financially. If you are reading this when the Early Bird Price is still on, that is the cheapest option to attend We Can Rise! It is very important to me that people aren't turn away because of funds. Especially during these times where we need people who go through their fears and blocks so they can shine and share who they are! That's why I created the possibility of a payment plan. You can pay the full price within three months. In this way, you'll have more time and you'll be able to pay in smaller amounts. If you are still worrying about the money, please reach out to me. Know that worrying about money is also a fear that can be transformed, something you can work around during 'We Can Rise'. ​
Will you offer 'We Can Rise' again in the future?As I flow with Spirit, and listen to the callings I get, I can't guarantee I will be offering this again in the future. What I will need to offer will depend on what is shared with me by Spirit. If in any case, this would be offered in the future again, chances are high it would be offered at a higher price. All of this just to say: take your chance now if you are interested ;-)
I am scared to attend 'We Can Rise'. (Copy)It can be interesting to ask yourself: 'what exactly am I scared of?' Just asking yourself that question will already bring insights in some fears you are dealing with. With this little reflection you already started the work we will be deepening during these gatherings. If you feel a fear, that actually means, these gatherings are exactly for you - if you feel you are ready to face that fear and conquer it. You are a unique person, we need you and your gifts in this world! ​ Sharing in community, reflecting about yourself, looking your fears in the eyes can be so scary! But there is a power in working through that fear. It can be very transformative. It's also important not to forget that 'We Can Rise' has a guided healing journey in every gathering & that there are prayers and offerings made for you, which means there will be help from the other side and energetical support for you to go through your fears or feeling of unworthiness. Imagine how it will look on the other side of fear ;-) You can do this! ​ The name 'We Can Rise' is consciously chosen! We all have some fears, we are all scared of something. Coming in group together will make this very clear, that we are all dealing with something. Sharing our fears and understanding we are not alone, puts things more into perspective. The reason why I created this journey is because it is possible to change, to face your fears and grow through it. If I can do it, you can do it to! You can grow out of your fears and out of the feelings of unworthiness. You can rise!!