In 2025, I'm taking a sabbatical! Subscribe to my letters to be the first to know when I return.
I am someone who loves nature, being together with others, good conversations, healthy food, dancing, sunsets, creating something with other people, seeing people grow, wisdom of ancient cultures, the stars, beauty in little things, Africa (& the pre-colonial history of it), children and their sparkling eyes, health, writing and so much more! I also love different cultures and their languages, people and their life stories and which twists and turns they take. I am intrigued by how people grow. Maybe because I enjoy learning and growing myself.
In 2017 my life completely changed because of a decision I made!
And in 2019 it changed again with another decision ;-)

At the moment I live in a house in the beautiful mountains in Kwahu, in Ghana, in the middle of nature. But that wasn't always the case. I was born and raised in Antwerp, in Belgium, in the middle of the city.
Even though I was an atheist for a long time. Somehow I was looking for something more, something bigger. I was satisfied with my life, but at the same time something was missing.
There were these dreams buried inside of me, but nothing in me believed they would be possible.
I was just following the road like everyone else. Going to school, going to university, finding a job. You know, nothing out of the box. I felt like I wasn't living the life I was meant to live.
At times, I didn't know where to go with myself or I just couldn't break certain patterns. In romantic relationships, for example, I continued to end up in situations where I didn't dare to commit myself or I fell hopelessly in love with unavailable men. I also wanted more clarity in who I was and what my purpose was here on Earth. I wanted to start living more spiritually and I wanted to follow my dreams but honestly, I didn't know how to get started.

My life in Belgium
I studied educational sciences in Brussels because I was interested in how people learn and I wondered which tools and environments were needed to support that. I obtained that masters degree, but it didn’t feel enough.
As I am so eager to learn, I decided to do a life coaching training in Gent as well, so that I could support people in their crossroad moments, or with different themes in life. Simultaneously I started a Shiatsu training which was the first time I came in contact with a holistic way of learning and healing. I also continued with energy healing with the same teacher and that’s how a whole new world opened to me.
I delved deeper into spirituality, which started very rationally at first, through reading books. Soon I started participating in retreats. It was at that time I went to Plum village and did a ten day Vipassana silent meditation retreat. But still, I felt there was more.
And that is when I finally made the decision that would change my life!
In 2016 I decided I would leave Belgium. Not as a sabbatical year, not for a year. But really leaving.
I was super excited and at the same time I had a lot of people around me questioning my move, challenging me...
Sometimes I worried about it. Was I really going to do this? Was this the best decision? How would I be able to finance myself? Where will I end up?
Even though I had these worries, deep down I felt it was the right choice.
I quit my job, cleaned out my apartment, gave a lot of stuff away and in March 2017 I said goodbye to Belgium!
In search of the life I wanted to live, in search of that deeper spiritual growth I was longing for. I lived as a nomad for a while. I lived and traveled in different countries, learning from different people and situations. I worked with various shamans and medicine people in Bali, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Suriname, New York, Burkina Faso and Ghana.​
​A lot changed when I lived in a spiritual-ecological community in Brazil. I learned to read people's auras.
On my journey I had already learned about myself that I had the sensitivity to get messages and images about people, but I had not yet been properly trained. It was good to have mentors.
During this training of learning to read auras, I had a very confrontational journey with myself, my own pains and blind spots that I did not see (and felt!) before. That was intense. Many tears streamed down my cheeks. My heart ached because I had to feel things that I had pushed away for a long time. I saw things about myself and about what I had been through that I didn't want to look at, at first.
At the same time, it was liberating and it gave so much clarity. As if I could see clearly how I could change things in my life and what I had to do!
Living in that community and reading auras were experiences that brought me closer to my intuition & made me realize more and more how all those books and courses had been external impulses, while I could also start from my intuition.
These experiences made me no longer run away from myself. I started to follow my intuition. As a result, I found my own spiritual path and myself!
I never expected that healing certain pains and breaking patterns would be a result of this! I finally dared to look at the pain I had from an absent father, for example. Sometimes it wasn't nice, sometimes it was exhausting. But I got insights. I still fell into the same trap over and over again. But Rome wasn't built in a day ;-) I got up again and again!
And now, there is a beautiful, present, mature man with whom I share life.

There was a certain calm that came over me.
I began to understand more and more how this search for spirituality and another life was a search for myself. How one was connected to the other. Everyone has their own quest, which often has more to do with ourselves than with the other. I am convinced that if we dare to look at ourselves, start working on ourselves and follow our intuition, we come closer to our spirit in a way. It works empowering and a lot of clarity arises.
The dreams that once were buried within me started to become sharper! I finally believed they were possible.​
Even though I was traveling the world, living in different countries, having these different, spiritual, and also out of the box experiences, professionally I was still very much inside of the box! I was an educational consultant. Maybe not in Belgium anymore but even internationally, the energies of the educational system were the same. It was foolish of me to think that things outside of Belgium would be different. The last year I worked as an educational consultant was in 2019. My experience that year was so horrible and it kind of broke my spirit. I needed a lot of time to heal from what I had experienced and I promised myself I would never work in the system like that anymore.

That's when I made another lifechanging decision! At the end of 2019 I made the decision to start working for myself! In 2020 my business took its first steps.
I finally decided that all my training and experiences and everything I'd learned were amazing offerings for people! I started with giving people aura readings and that's how my business started growing ;-)
2019 in general was a transformative year for me as I also started doing deep spiritual work and group rituals. I learned how to facilitate rituals myself and became even more sensitive to energies and certain spiritual beings found in nature, for example. I like to delve into ancient teachings and rituals. Through all these experiences I now follow Spirit and my ancestors completely.
Now I am also in the process of creating a community center here in Ghana. I have been dreaming of this center since 2015. It is called Sungyata. We are in the building process and just like all my other dreams, in the beginning I had worries and fears coming up about it. But I know now how to deal with it, how to go about it all. It's a beautiful process!
Once a dream, ... now a reality!
Leaving Belgium was once a dream.
Having another lifestyle was once a dream.
Living more spiritually was once a dream.
Being able to do aura readings is something that I even couldn't imagine dreaming of, haha!
Starting my own business was once a dream.
Having a beautiful, loving relationship with a mature partner was once a dream.
Creating a community center like Sungyata was once a dream...
& now they are reality!!!
I am grateful and I look forward to what is to come.
Everything I have learned, know and integrated into my own being so far is what I can offer you.
At the same time, I continue to learn myself, also along the way with you. There is so much to discover. We never know everything. And that’s exactly what makes it challenging and so interesting.

So what about you? Do you also have a dream, idea, project in your mind? Or are you also dealing with fears and insecurities? Or do you also feel that the way your life is going now, or the work you are doing now is not aligned?
If you are ready to have trust & confidence to GO for what you are dreaming of, check out how you can work with me :-)

To conclude, I would like to share my favorite poem with you:
"Have patience with everything
unresolved in your heart
and to try to love
the questions themselves
as if they were locked rooms
or books written in a very foreign language.
Don't search for the answers,
which could not be given to you now,
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually,
without even noticing it,
live your way into the answer. "
Letters of a young poet - Rilke
Thank you so much for reading!
Enjoy your day!
With love,
I was invited on different podcasts!
Click below to listen to them!

Moonwise Podcast
These ancient trees are all connected to one another. So the ones in Africa, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, they’re connected with one another...there is a communication in the connection between them.” (2023)
Natural Woman Alchemy

Ik help jou online
Klanten krijgen uit Google met spiritueel onderneemster Ama (2024).
This podcast episode is in Dutch.