In 2025, I'm taking a sabbatical! Subscribe to my letters to be the first to know when I return.
Align yourself fully with your inner self, be connected to yourself, become Rooted Within, so that nothing or no one can shake you!
Do you have an inner fire that you want to bring to the world, but do you find yourself holding back? Do you wish to show the world who you really are and express yourself fully?
Do you have the feeling that:
You worry about what other people think
You are easily influenced by the opinions of other people and you are often in search of validation and approval of others. You are afraid of criticism or scared to be ridiculed or even canceled. You look at yourself from the outside in. Instead of from the inside out.
You might feel you are the one in your family or environment who thinks differently and this prevents you from bringing yourself or your idea into the world
You don't trust yourself enough.
You doubt or second guess yourself. You like to ask other people what they think about something so you feel more secure about your own idea or judgment. You have the feeling you are not important or not good enough. Sometimes you can feel smaller than others, as if you miss that 'something' that other successful people seem to have.
You procrastinate.
You postpone what you really want to do or you hold back to really go for it. When you attempt to go for your dream or idea, you feel blocked.
You feel as if you are not capable enough.
You might even feel as an imposter. You feel it's better to learn a little bit more, take another class or training in your field, or read another book. You have thoughts like: "who am I to do this?", "who am I to say this?", "someone else is better in this" or "I am not capable enough".
You are afraid that you will fail.
You are scared that it won't work out and that your life how it is now is probably better. Sometimes you may even tell yourself that your idea or dream is not possible.
You are scared to say what you want to say.
You are scared to use your voice, to speak up, to share your truth, you self censor. You find it difficult to be yourself, to show who you are and what you like. It's difficult to share your opinions with others with full confidence.
You judge yourself.
You have a tendency to be hard for yourself or to talk to yourself in a negative way. You rationally know that you should be kind to yourself but it doesn't come easy. That inner critic likes to hang around in your mind. Sometimes you compare yourself with others and get discouraged.
You have difficulties with setting boundaries.
Sometimes you give too much or surpass your own boundaries, but you don't really know how to change this. You are not good at recognizing where your limits are or communicating your boundaries to others."
The text was mostly correct, so no changes were necessary.
You are not fully connected with yourself.
You feel there is more to yourself than you really know or are aware of now. It may be that you feel there is a misalignment somewhere, or that you aren't always yourself. You desire to understand yourself better so that you can feel fully connected with yourself and, therefore, with others.
"I am scared. Will you hold my hand?" Fear asked.
"I will" the Heart answered.
And together they walked, confidently, while the sun was rising.
To be able to walk your own path, go for what you want, without fearing what other people say or fearing anything that comes on your path, you only need to master one thing:
You need to trust yourself.
If you trust yourself, you trust what you say or do, you trust your intentions, your judgments, your feelings and your decisions. With that trust, other people can't shake you. It's that simple.
I believe everyone can come to the level of trusting themselves completely. You just need to learn the things that can get you there. Maybe you can't believe now that will ever be possible for you, but eventually it is just understanding the tools, the energetics and working on your mindset and subconscious. Once you get a hang of these things, it's also possible for you to trust yourself and to go for what you want, to show who you are!
This is why I created Rooted Within.
For people who want to create such confidence in themselves that they are ready to show who they are, speak easily what's on their heart and to bring their dreams and ideas into the world!!
Hey, I'm Ama!
For years, I was trying to fit in the box. I finished my bachelors and masters, worked with teachers and principals in schools, facilitated trainings and did the things that I thought I was supposed to do.
But I always had these bigger dreams. And these dreams felt very different from the life I was living.
Following my dreams started with living in Peru when I was 17 years old. It continued with traveling and living in other places in the world, being a nomad, growing spiritually and doing my own thing professionally instead of working for someone else. Now, I live in Ghana and I am bringing a beautiful community center to life. A dream that I had for more than 6 years! Life is for the dreamers who do ;-)
Luckily I've been brave enough to follow my dreams, even though people around me had their own opinions about it. On the other hand I struggled with voicing out my opinion, setting boundaries, dealing with my fears & showing who I really am! Sometimes these things still come up, because, as we grow, we are faced with new challenges.
The good thing is that I know how to deal with it and go for what I want because through the years I have learned how to. This is what I love to share with you in Rooted Within! As I want for as many people as possible that their blockages and fears melt as ice before the sun, so they can shine and do their thing!

The time is NOW !
You waited long enough. Maybe you find the step to really work through your blocks and fears scary but you also feel that bringing your thing into the world is more important than your fear!
We are in changing times. It is time to be yourself and to go for what you really want to bring into this world. Now it's an excellent time to start ! We need everyone on board with their dreams, projects and ideas! No more conforming to other peoples expectations and wants. We honestly don't have time for that! It is when people start acting on their ideas to serve our Earth and its people, that change starts to happen🥰
And yes, it is really YOU we need! You are a bringer of change in this world.
It is time. Cut the crap, go beyond your fears and insecurities, water the seeds within you, so that you can bring your talents and gifts out in the world. I literally can't wait to see you blossom!
After completing Rooted Within:
You have more confidence, more courage and a higher self esteem to be yourself or to go for what you are dreaming of.
You know who you are, what's important to you and what you stand for. You also know where your boundaries lie & how to communicate them.
You have different tools in your pocket to transform your fears and blockages.
You understand the power of your mind & how to work with it!
You are able to speak your truth & not care about what others think!
You have healed and transformed blockages that were holding you back. You are ready to show yourself & to go for your idea/dream!
Everything you get is worth € 1500
Become Rooted Within for €439 !
* To have an accessible price for all, Ghanaians earning in Cedis can pay via MoMo and pay only 3000 Cedis. Contact me for more information. If you live in a country where the currency is also lower than the worlds high currencies & you earn in the local currency, please reach out, too!

This is what you get in Rooted Within:
Rooted Within is a transformative online journey that includes teachings & healings & energetic support. It is an online program that you go through independently. It includes:
Unlimited access to an online learning platform with 11 chapters that includes different experiences you can do on your own pace and in your own time:
Pre recorded video teachings divided into smaller segments for a more enjoyable viewing experience (total video content +- 10 hours)
Healing meditations, energetic exercises & visualizations
Journal questions to dive deep
Exercises and a workbook
Individual energy clearing with Emotion Code by Saskia Grund. She does the clearing remotely on her own timing and shares everything she found and cleared in your energy field in an email. Hear Saskia speak about Emotion Code:
Prayers & Offerings on your behalf to support your process and transformation.
Why did I create Rooted Within?
I felt called to make a little video about it! You can watch it here:
The 11 chapters you will go through in the online platform of the Rooted Within Journey:
1. Akwaaba
This chapter is the introduction to this journey of Rooted Within. You reflect on where you are now and where you want to go. You learn how to work with intention. Everything you do in life should be with intention so you can reap the fruits afterwards.
2. Where am I from?
If you know where you are coming from, you know where you are going. We are often enormously influenced by those who came before us. It's healing to understand certain patterns. In this chapter we dive into our past, into some ancestral energies & family dynamics. Through intuitive & energetic exercises you get insights and release what you no longer want to carry.
3. Who am I?
This might be the most important chapter of the whole journey! If you know who you are and what you stand for, everything becomes easier. You will be guided in creating your own foundation that can serve as an inner compass and that you always start from when moving forward and making decisions. We will also work around boundaries. This chapter teaches you how to stay true to yourself.
4. Transforming Fear
In this chapter you will learn how fear manifests, you will learn how to recognize it and how you can deal with it. You will learn very powerful tools that incorporate, body, mind, soul & energetics! As fear plays on all those levels.

5. Inner Conflict >>> Inner Harmony
Often when we want something or have a dream, but are holding back, it means there is an inner conflict happening. On one hand, you really want it & on the other hand you prefer to stay where you are. In this chapter you explore this inner conflict & you bring inner harmony. This can be lifechanging because once there is inner harmony, you suddenly feel you are freed of your blockages and you can go for what you want.
9. Criticism & Speaking your truth
We are often worrying about what other people would think, we fear criticism. In this chapter we work around this topic. Are you ready to finally get rid of those fears & to just do your thing? In this chapter I also teach you how to call back your own energy & we work around the throat chakra as this is the space where blockages around these topics reside.
6. Power of your mind
"Courage is the power of the mind to overcome fear" - Martin Luther King Jr.
Our mind and our perception are the most powerful tools we have that create our reality. In this chapter you learn how to change your thoughts & how to become a master of your mind !
10. Opening of the Heart
You can do all the exercises, know everything rationally, go through all the healing, but if your heart is closed of, you won't get where you want to be.
Fear is the opposite of Love.
When your heart is open, you are embodying Love. Learn about the power of the Heart & enjoy a healing journey!
7.Not feeling good enough
When you don't feel good enough, you hold yourself back the whole time. That's what we talk about in this chapter as it is imperative to change this! You will learn what the root is of not feeling good enough & we will also work with our inner child in this chapter. In an inner child journey you will have space to heal from feelings of unworthiness & boost our self worth.
11. Where am I going?
In this chapter it is time to evaluate. You will look at where you are standing now and where you want to go to. You will gain clarity in how to proceed! You can learn all the tools but if you don't know how to proceed with them, it won't have a real influence. We want lasting effects ;-) In this chapter you also have the Masterclass "goal setting' as a Bonus.
8. Confidence
If you go through all the chapters of Rooted Within, you will become more confident! This chapter focuses on some specific things, some tips & tricks you can do to feel more confident. There is also a Solar Plexus healing as this is the location in your body that has to do with self esteem.
Now you have three choices:
1. You leave everything how it is and continue to break through everything that is holding you back by yourself. Totally understandable if you would choose this! I am also often the person who likes to break through things on my own. It's not impossible! But chances are that nothing changes. Sometimes we really need that external push & extra tools and healing journeys to help us move forward.
2. You are led by fear. You may think: "Oh, it is too expensive so I am not going to do this." Or: "I might do this later, it's not the right time yet." Or: "I don't know when I will have time to go through the different chapters."
I understand that this may come up! Remember that one of the ways that fear works is through the voices in our head and through making excuses ;-) You may be pushing away the dream your soul is actually craving for. Eventually, learning how to deal with those fears is exactly what you will learn. Going through Rooted Within will make you... Rooted within - the effects that this will bring in your life are priceless and timeless! Try to make up the balances for yourself. Be honest to yourself. Only you know what's best for you.
3. You decide to take action! You are serious about breaking through the situation you are in and you want to bring change. Chances are that a lot will change! This may feel scary, but when you break through your fears and blockages - you will be able to show yourself to the world, to go for your idea, project or dream! And this will be beneficial to SO many people! So when you take action, you don't only take action for yourself, you also take action for the people you will be serving :-)

During Rooted Within you experience change on a deep level because fear and confidence are approached from different angels and we don't only work on a mental level. We work with all the parts of us, in a holistic way. And we know change takes time, that's why this journey is 3 months. Rooted Within is not a quick fix. It brings real change.
~ Ama

Best Value
Rooted Within
More confidence & trust so you can be yourself and go for what's calling you!
Unlimited access to the online environment with 11 chapters
Individual Emotion Code Energy Clearing with Saskia Grund
Prayers & Offerings on your behalf